Frequently asked questions
Great that you are considering reifen.com as an employer! Our FAQs will help you with various questions about the application process and provide an overview of the professional opportunities at reifen.com. If you still have any questions, our recruiting team is here to assist you personally by email or phone. You can find the contact details for your personal contact person in the job advertisements. We look forward to hearing from you!
Questions about the application documents
In order to be able to process your application documents quickly, we particularly need your personal cover letter and your CV. To support the information you provide, please upload all significant school and employment references or pieces of evidence that are relevant to the position you would like to apply for.
The performance, qualifications, motivation, commitment and flexibility of our employees are important prerequisites for our success. Therefore, in your cover letter, in addition to the position you are applying for at our company, you should address what motivates you, as well as the factors for success mentioned above and your salary expectations. If you send us a speculative application, please indicate which positions or areas of activity you are interested in and why.
It is also particularly important to us that you assess yourself realistically and honestly and give us an authentic picture of yourself that is then reflected in the subsequent interview.
Please include contact details that we can reach you on (including your email address) in your cover letter or CV.
Your CV should reflect the most important stages in your career or history to date in a simple, tabular form and in chronological order. If there are any gaps in the timeline, you should briefly explain them to us.
If you have professional experience or have already completed internships/held volunteer positions in the past, please list these briefly, along with the work performed there and the main areas of focus of your responsibilities. For any examinations or areas of tested performance, we ask that you always provide us with the grades or points you achieved. In addition, we are very interested in any additional knowledge you may have, such as IT or language skills, and also welcome hearing about your hobbies.
No, you do not have to tell us about your disability. Providing this information is voluntary and is entirely at your own discretion. If you would like to tell us about a severe disability in your application, please write this as clearly as possible in your application documents, e.g., in your cover letter.
Questions about the application process
By providing a detailed application, you give us the opportunity to get a first impression of you as a person and of your qualifications. If we have any outstanding questions, we will contact you, if necessary by phone.
If you are suitable for the role and we have a position for you, we will invite you to an interview, which will be conducted by a representative of the HR department and at least one representative of the department in question, usually the responsible manager.
Please allow at least one to two hours of time for the interview itself.
Depending on whether we were able to get a comprehensive idea of one another in the first interview, we may hold a second interview with you, involving other interviewers.
If job advertisements have an application deadline, you will find this in the respective job advertisement. Please submit your documents by this deadline in order for us to be able to consider your application in the application process.
If you haven’t managed to find a suitable job advertisement in our jobs portal, you can submit a speculative application at any time. Simply send your informative application documents, letting us know your desired area to work in, directly to jobs@reifen.com.
The job advertisements in the jobs portal are always up to date. So long as a position is able to be found on the portal, you can still apply. New positions are published as soon as we have any vacancies.
It is important to us that you have looked into us and the position and that we can see that you are passionate about what you do. Only if you love what you do will you be able to be happy in the long term and develop fully.
You should not only know the basic facts about reifencom and the position, but also be able to explain the path you have taken in life and what motivates you in a comprehensible manner. Convince us with your skills, but also with your personality.
We look forward to a nice, comprehensive first introduction!
The focus of the interview will be on mutual exchange. We would like to get to know you both personally and professionally, and also give you space to ask questions and address any outstanding issues. Your motivation and the background to your CV are just as important to us here as your technical expertise.
If you have received an offer of employment from us, the first step is to sign the employment contract. Things can then officially start. We will inform you about the procedure for your first day before you start. Your colleagues (m/f/other) in all departments look forward to new faces and will actively support you.
In order to be able to shine in your area of expertise, you have to get to grips with both your own specialist area and interdisciplinary work within the company. Specialist inductions are carried out by colleagues and supervisors (m/f/other) from your new department. You will get to know the company through your own distinct onboarding programme. This will allow you to get to know all departments and thus understand the relationships between them and individual requirements.
You can find more information about this at the link below.
FAQs for students and those at entry level
We do not have a specified quota of internship positions. We focus on training and further training, and this is determined on an individual basis. If you are looking for an internship, just get in touch. Feel free to contact Ms Becker (0511/43857 1160). She will discuss your internship requirements with you and take a look to see if we might have a position for you.
Are you looking for the opportunity to do a practice-oriented bachelor’s or master’s thesis within a company to top off your degree? Then we could be just the right place for you. Contact us and tell us about your preferred topic, and the type and duration of the thesis. Please also let us know if you would like to combine this work with an internship. Contact Ms Becker on 0511/43857 1160 to arrange a consultation. She will assist you further.