The responsible for the website is the company :
reifencom GmbH
Südfeldstr. 16
30453 Hannover
Fon: +49 511 123210-10
Fax: +49 511 123210-99
Company domicile: Hannover
Local court: Hannover
HRB 217313
VAT ID number: DE 126795055
CEOs: Michael Härle, Ralf Strelen
Concept, design and development
Friendventure – Webdesign agency
Legal notes:
1. Disclaimer:
In spite of careful control, we cannot be held liable for the contents of external links. The operator of any linked pages shall be solely responsible for their contents.
2. Protection of intellectual property:
Text, images, sounds, graphics, animations, and videos as well as their arrangement on our website are subject to the protection of copyright and other protective laws. The content of this website may neither be copied, distributed and altered for commercial purposes nor made accessible to third parties. Unless otherwise specified, all brands and trademarks on this website are protected by copyright. Our website does not offer any license for use of our intellectual property or that of third parties.
3. Image rights:
The website uses images from various image databases. Further information on image rights can be found here.